# https://github.com/sakaiproject/nightly-config/21.properties # These are additional properties that are set on the nightly servers so that features can be tested. # Any changes should get picked up the next day upon restart content.upload.max=50 content.upload.ceiling=20 samigo.canRecordAverage=true display.users.present=true webservices.allowlogin=true webservices.allow=.+ basiclti.provider.enabled=true basiclti.provider.allowedtools=sakai.announcements:sakai.singleuser:sakai.assignment.grades:sakai.dropbox:sakai.forums:sakai.gradebook.tool:sakai.podcasts:sakai.poll:sakai.resources:sakai.schedule:sakai.samigo:sakai.rwiki basiclti.provider.12345.secret=secret canvas.config.title=Sakai Dev (test only) canvas.config.description=These tools are served from a Sakai cloud server that is rebuilt nightly from the very tip of the master branch in github. You can test these with 12345 / secret but any data is deleted every day. casa.provider.note = These tools are served from a Sakai cloud server that is rebuilt nightly from the very tip of the master branch in github. You can test these with 12345 / secret but any data is deleted every day. search.enable=true # enable soft site deletions when a site is deleted normally # if true, they will be softly delete and then purged after 30 days # if false, thet will be deleted immediately # defaults to false. # site.soft.deletion=true # the number of days to keep softly deleted sites until they are purged. # if not set and site.soft.deletion=true, defaults to 30 days. # site.soft.deletion.gracetime=30 #2/ ability to make a calendar public (Export calendar) : SAK-28986 # ical.experimental=true #3/ calendar private URL : SAK-21497 # ical.opaqueurl.subscribe=true # INFRSTR-322 Enabled subscriptions for testing # calendar.external.subscriptions.enable=true portal.google.universal_analytics_id=UA-57614684-3 content.cleaner.errors.logged=true testMode@org.sakaiproject.email.api.EmailService=true # SAK-29695 / INFRSTR-327 # Should the .auth role be assignable to a realm? Defaults to false. sitemanage.grant.auth=true # Should the .anon role be assignable to a realm? Defaults to false. sitemanage.grant.anon=true # INFRSTR-330 # Enable the PA System so it can be tested. # pasystem.enabled=true # SAK-29546 Testing enableSitePresences@org.sakaiproject.sitestats.api.StatsManager.target=true collectEventsForSiteWithToolOnly@org.sakaiproject.sitestats.api.StatsUpdateManager=false collectDetailedEvents@org.sakaiproject.sitestats.api.StatsUpdateManager.target=true displayDetailedEvents@org.sakaiproject.sitestats.api.StatsManager.target=true # SAK-29403 Limit roles realm.allowed.roles=.anon realm.allowed..anon=annc.read,calendar.read,content.read # SAK-17606 Anonymous Assignments assignment.anon.grading.enabled=true portal.error.showdetail=true # SAK-28069/INTRSTR-336 # Add missing tools when importing content site.setup.import.addmissingtools=true # SAK-29133/INFRSTR-333 # Enable site icon portal.siteicon.allow=true # INFRSTR-334 # Provide example term dates to test importing. # These stopped working in 2022 # calendar.external.subscriptions.enable = true # calendar.external.subscriptions.url.count=1 # calendar.external.subscriptions.url.1=https://weblearn.ox.ac.uk/access/content/public/misc/oxdate.ics # calendar.external.subscriptions.name.count=1 # calendar.external.subscriptions.name.1=Demo Term Dates # calendar.external.subscriptions.eventtype.count=1 # calendar.external.subscriptions.eventtype.1=Academic Calendar # INFRSTR-335 # Provide defaults for feedback tool. feedback.featureSuggestionUrl=https://google.com/ feedback.technicalAddress=dummy@sakaiproject.org feedback.helpAddress=dummy@sakaiproject.org # INFRSTR-339 Prevent multiple users with the same email address # SAK-46581 user.email.allowduplicates=false # INFRSTR-338 Enable Samigo properties for testing. samigo.autoSubmit.enabled=true samigo.partialCreditEnabled=true samigo.canRecordAverage=true samigo.autoSave.repeat.milliseconds=300000 # INFRSTR-337 Switch to elfinder for file picker. wysiwyg.editor.ckeditor.browser=elfinder # INFSTR-345 # Determine the range for calendar export # Number of months from the past required in the export calendar.export.previous.months=6 # Number of months in the future required in the export calendar.export.next.months=12 # INFRSTR-346 Enable export of MyWorkspace calendars # ical.myworkspace.auto.export=true (no such property!) # Pull in some example content when starting up. quartz.seedsites.autorun=true # SAK-32218 Automatically import site archives listed: #archives.import.source=https://imports-sakaiproject-org.s3.amazonaws.com/imports.txt # INFRSTR-350 # Allow granting of all authenticated users and public in resources resources.enabled.roles=.anon,.auth # SAK-29478 # Roster showing sitestats data roster.showVisits=true # Message bundle management # DEFAULT: false load.bundles.from.db=true gradebook.stats.assignments.displayed=true gradebook.stats.coursegrade.displayed=true # Test & Quizes minimum score feature samigo.allowMinScore=true # As per the Core call discussion about SAK-42194: # Force browser to download rather than render inline any file served from content hosting with a content-type of text/html. # DEFAULT: true content.html.forcedownload=false # Create Sites site.seed.eid.password=true portal.themes.switcher=true # 5MB content.zip.download.maxindividualfilesize=5242880 # 10MB content.zip.download.maxtotalsize=10485760 # Turn on Debugging for Plus/LTI13 for a while - 2023-12-18 -- Chuck log.config.count=4 log.config.1 = DEBUG.org.sakaiproject.plus.ProviderServlet log.config.2 = DEBUG.org.sakaiproject.plus.impl.PlusServiceImpl log.config.3 = DEBUG.org.sakaiproject.lti.impl.UserFinderOrCreatorImpl log.config.4 = DEBUG.org.sakaiproject.lti13.LTI13Servlet # Plus testing is far more convienent if course site titles are editable # Sorry for the double negative site.type.titleNotEditable=noneofthem user.additional.attribute.count=2 user.additional.attribute.1=studentNumber user.additional.attribute.2=cwid user.additional.attribute.display.studentNumber=Student Number user.additional.attribute.display.cwid=Campus Wide ID assignment.group.filter.enabled=true lessonbuilder.show.set.owner=true studentview.roles=Student,access